(WAVY) — Heat, humidity and sweat — three things that go together like nothing else.

When the temperature heats up and we’re out in the sun, our body heats up too. Our bodies like to stay around 98.6°F. However, the heat and humidity can cause our body temperature to rise. When this happens, our bodies begin to sweat.

Sweat is the body’s natural way of releasing heat. Water on your skin in the form of sweat evaporates, and through a process known as evaporative cooling, releases heat from your body.

Here’s the catch though – on a humid day, the water can’t evaporate as easily. The water stays on your skin. As a result, you body sweats more, trying to lower your tempeature. Soon, you’re drenched in sweat as your body tries it’s best to cool you off.

Sweat is also your body’s way of telling you it’s time to take a break and find some shade. So keep that in mind this weekend, as we deal with these hot temperatures!

Hope you have a great weekend! – Meteorologist Ricky Matthews