
Warner, lawmakers introduce legislation for federal drone use

WASHINGTON (WAVY) — U.S. Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) and other lawmakers have introduced legislation to improve the government’s use of drones.

The Drone Evaluation to Eliminate Cyber Threats Act of 2024 (DETECT Act) will advise the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in creating guidelines to address safety concerns involved with federal drones.

Lawmakers stated that drones have access to sensitive information that, if collected, can create security risks.

“Drones and unmanned systems have the capability to transform the way we do business, manage our infrastructure, and deliver life-saving medicine, and as drones become a larger part of our society, it’s crucial that we ensure their safety and security,” Sen. Warner said.

Apart from creating the cybersecurity guidelines, The DETECT Act will test them with the help of a federal agency and provide guidance for government agencies and drone suppliers who discover vulnerabilities.

Once the DETECT Act is implemented, following the guidelines would be mandatory for the government, while the private sector could use them voluntarily.

“As the use of drones for multiple types of important operations –critical infrastructure inspection, public safety, agriculture, drone delivery, and more – has grown significantly in recent years, the need for cybersecurity standards for these critical mission tools has become evident,” Michael Robbins, Chief Advocacy Officer of the Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International, said.

View the legislation here.