Would you eat squirrel?

It’s a question as old as... well for sports fans it’s a question just a few days old, raised after Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones volunteered that squirrel, along with raccoon meat, was a delicacy of his childhood while growing up in Arkansas.

This week, two of the brightest (or at least, most famous) stars in sports tackled the topic, with Jason and Travis Kelce opening up about their relative interests in trying a taste of the least dangerous game on a recent episode of New Heights.

“Is [squirrel] meat a meat you eat?” the elder Kelce asked. “I’m not going to lie: I will try any meat, pretty much. As long as it’s not like, road kill, or something that’s rotten, I’m going to give it a chance.”

“Squirrel and raccoon are both technically road kill,” Travis replied.

Ultimately, Jason seemed open to trying a bit of squirrel or raccoon, while Travis was wholly uninterested. The duo then went on an ill-fated deep dive attempting to classify where raccoons and squirrels fell within the animal kingdom.

The Dallas Cowboys already hosted Jason Kelce twice this year in his new gig as a host on the Monday Night Football panel.

Maybe next year Jones can put together a special menu for him to try when he arrives at JerryWorld.

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This article was originally published on www.si.com as Jason and Travis Kelce Take on the Squirrel Meat Debate.

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