
David Wright holds another Vegas night to benefit CHKD

VIRGINIA BEACH (WAVY) — Not only is David Wright one of the most successful athletes to come out of Hampton Roads. He’s also one of the most charitable.

For the last nine years, the former New York Mets captain has held his annual Vegas Night fundraiser which helps raise money for the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters.

Tonight in the Virginia Beach, the latest edition of Vegas Night.

A packed house was on hand for a silent auction, casino games and drinks and fun.

Former big league player Michael Cuddyer was there, along with PGA tour pro Marc Leishman. Even Mr. Met showed up.

In nine years, this event has raised more than $1.5 million for CHKD.

“Before I had the means and the fame to put on big extravagant events like this I would just come and hang out with the kids, play games with the kids,” Wright said. “I’m glad I can continue to do this.”

Obviously the dominant story in the sports world has been centered around Major League Baseball’s cheating scandal.

The sign stealing scandal that has cost three managers and one general managers their jobs.

Here’s Wright’s take on the situation about the Astros using electronic equipment to steal signs.

“There’s obviously a difference between doing what people are reporting that teams were doing than standing on second and trying to peak at the catcher signs and things like that. There’s a way to do things and a way to obviously not do things. As far as I’m concerned if you try to cheat, I’ve said this all along, I’m not talking about this latest scandal, I’m talking about cheating in general, I hope that if you cheat and get caught, you get punished.”

One casualty in the scandal. Mets manager Carlos Beltran.

He was with the Astros in 2017 and was hired this off season to manage the Mets, but when the story broke, Beltran and the Mets parted ways.

As far as David Wright managing his old team? He says forget about it.

The Only coaching he’s going to do is in a co-ed tee ball league with his three-year-old.