6:30 p.m. — There is at least one protest in Norfolk Wednesday evening. WAVY viewers and staff report seeing protesters on Monticello Avenue and Colley Avenue.

Video taken on Monticello Avenue showed dozens of people walking down the road shouting “shut it down” and “no justice, no peace.”

Around 8 p.m. videos taken by WAVY’s Kara Dixon shows a band playing at the base of the confederate monument in the city.

Stay with WAVY.com for updates.

6 p.m. — The Hampton chapter of NAACP is hosting a youth and community rally for justice following George Floyd’s death.

There’s also a voter registration drive onsite.

4:30 p.m. — The City of Hampton has released a statement on the curfew ordered by the governor for the city.

The curfew will start at 8 p.m. and be lifted as 6 a.m. in the morning. It’ll run through Saturday, June 6 at 6 p.m.

“Our city supports free speech and peaceful protests. Until last night, our protests have been peaceful. Tuesday night, what began as a peaceful protest ended in rioting, looting and violence. That cannot be tolerated, and we do not want to risk it happening again,” the city wrote.

It continued: “Last night and into the early hours of this morning, several businesses sustained property damage, a demonstrator set off a homemade explosive device, shots were fired near officers, and glass bottles filled with feces and urine and other items were thrown at officers. Although only one minor injury was sustained, the potential for more serious personal injury was and remains present.”

The city said it asked the governor to include it in his curfew order — which covers Richmond and Virginia Beach — to also include Hampton.

“This curfew is not meant to curtail legitimate peaceful protest, although it will have the effect of putting limits on the times those can occur. Unfortunately, there are people who have co-opted protests for the purpose of damaging property and inciting violence, which then escalates and threatens the safety of everyone, even those gathered peacefully or who are just nearby. That damage is easier to do under the cover of darkness, which is why we are instituting the curfew.”

For more information on the curfews, click here.

To read the entire press release, click here.

4 p.m. — The Mathew’s County Sheriff’s Office says it is aware of a planned peaceful protest at 5:30 p.m. at the Historical Court House Green. The demonstration will move from that location to Liberty Square.

“We are advised that this will be a peaceful protest without violence. We ask that our community remains calm and respect those who choose to participate,” the sheriff’s office wrote on Facebook.

Separately, the Gloucester County Sheriff’s Office also announced Wednesday it was aware of two separate peaceful protests scheduled for Sunday, June 7.

Gloucester County has been in contact with organizers for both events.

“The Sheriff’s Office has an extensive plan in place that will provide the best opportunity for these demonstrations to proceed safely for everyone,” the sheriff’s office said.

The events will be at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the Gloucester County Library parking lot and Gloucester County Courthouse, respectively.

3:18 p.m. Gov. Ralph Northam has authorized a request from Hampton city leaders to implement a temporary curfew from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. starting Wednesday and ending on Saturday, June 6 at 6 a.m.

During the curfew times, people must stay in their homes and can only leave for emergency services, and to travel from home, work or places of worships.

Hampton and Virginia Beach now both have curfews, though Virginia Beach’s ends Thursday morning at 6 a.m. No other Hampton Roads cities have curfews.

It comes after Tuesday night’s protest in Hampton that gave way to vandalism and looting. 10 people were arrested by police.

For more information on the curfews, click here.

3:15 p.m. — WAVY experienced technical difficulties going live from the press conference. A team is there on the ground and will have coverage starting at 4 p.m. on WAVY News 10. We’ll have the full press conference uploaded online as soon as possible.

3 p.m. — Norfolk Police said there have been no arrests made as a result of any demonstrations in the city.

1:10 p.m. — Black Lives Matter 757 is holding a press conference at 3 p.m. Wednesday in response to events in the past week, including Tuesday night’s protest in Hampton that the group said it had no part in organizing.

The Tuesday night protest in Hampton was not affiliated with Black Lives Matter 757, with the group saying beforehand that it “could be a set-up.” It was peaceful until about midnight, when protests gave way to vandalism and looting. Police made 10 arrests, 8 adults and 2 juveniles, and say a female protester was injured.

Previous Demonstrations in Hampton Roads (note: not all of these were solely organized by Black Lives Matter 757):