NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — With advancing technology, it is increasingly difficult to tell what is real and what is fake in the digital world.

“Deepfakes are very highly realistic — often difficult to detect video or simply audio of a real person saying or doing something that they’ve actually never said or done,” said Helen Crompton, Ph.D.

This week at the Digital Desk, Crompton gave her expert insights on fake images and AI-generated content. Watch the Digital Desk LIVE in the video player on this page.

Crompton is the Executive Director of the Research Institute of Digital Innovation in Learning (RIDIL) and Professor of Instructional Technology at Old Dominion University.

“We need to think about looking at the content,” Crompton said, “perhaps even developing a healthy skepticism about everything you see, that if you see something it’s not necessarily true.”

Examples are everywhere.

Most recently, “Where is Kate?” was a rampant discussion on social media and online. Users wondered where Kate, Princess of Wales, was in the midst of rumors about her health and marriage. It fueled conspiracy theories on all platforms.

A Mother’s Day photo posted by the Royal Family gained even more controversy after news agencies said it had been manipulated.

Even after a BBC Studios video was shared with her cancer diagnosis, users continued to comment on the video and ask questions.

Months before, Taylor Swift was in the middle of an AI-image storm when fake pornographic images were circulating online. The deepfakes spread widely on the platform X, according to the Associated Press.

Regardless of age, Crompton advises everyone who accesses content to ask themselves if it is accurate.

There are many ways to detect fake content to make everyone safer online. Crompton offered these tips, below.

Check your source

If you see content pop up on your phone, ask yourself where is it from before deciding to agree with it, or see it as fact.

Look at the details

Notice things in the photo or video that might not be quite right. Does anything look slightly odd? Crompton offers examples such as jewelry. It will be in the details.

In a viral AI-generated photo of Pope Francis, the crucifix he wears only hangs by one half of the chain and his eyeglasses are missing metal. Take a look at the image here.

It used to be possible to tell by extremities, like fingers, but with advancing technology, that is no longer the case. And, following suit, jewelry might not always be a sign.

“That’s only going to last so long because these deepfakes and various other content is going to get a lot better,” Crompton said.

Watch Crompton speak more on advancing AI in the video clip, below.

Does it exist outside the app?

If you see content on one app or website, check if it exists on other platforms and if other sources are reporting the same thing.

Where do you get your news?

Consider where your news is coming from. Do you get your news via social media or one app? Find reputable sources for news information.

Take a breath. Fact check.

When you first see a post, even if alarming, make sure to pause, think critically and fact check. Be a skeptical consumer online.

AI continues to advance. And, at the moment, AI is not isolated to one group of people, but exists in different parts of our lives, whether our work life or social life.

“Hopefully it’s providing a lot of benefits, but at the same time we also need to be aware,” Crompton said, “because these are very powerful tools. And, with very powerful tools, that can be used for positive things and can also be used by people for very negative things.”

Digital literacy is critical for all users in the world of AI. Crompton said she has seen a rise in people taking it more seriously, especially since ChatGPT began in November 2022. It is not something that can be ignored.

From individual users to educators, Crompton emphasizes AI cannot be ignored.

“We all now have to pay attention, because again that movement of progression in AI,” Crompton said.

With all of the negative cases of the powerful tool, questions remain about what AI can do and where the technology is going.

Crompton explained developments and examples. She also acknowledged the ethical issues for some avenues of AI. Watch the clip below.

Hear more information from Crompton as she discusses social media, generative AI companies and more in the conversation.

Watch the full Digital Desk livestream on this page to find out more from Crompton and learn about fake content online.