
These are the FCC rules for airing political ads, even graphic ones

Federal Communications Commission seal.

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) – The WAVY-TV/FOX43-TV editorial staff wants to explain a graphic political advertisement airing on our stations.

The 30-second ad is from presidential candidate Randall Terry. The anti-abortion ad features graphic and disturbing imagery. The paid ad aired on FOX43 during the Oct. 29 FOX Network programming of the World Series pre-game show. It is also scheduled to air on NBC nationally on Friday, November 1 at 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. Eastern time, during the TODAY Show. FOX will air the spot again in the Sunday, November 3 episode of KRAPOPOLIS at 9:30 p.m. ET.

According to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules, which all broadcast television stations are required to follow, it is illegal to block or modify political ads in accordance with federal law.

The exact wording from the FCC regarding Political Ad Content states:

Broadcast stations are prohibited from censoring or rejecting political ads that are paid for and sponsored by legally qualified candidates. This no-censorship provision does not apply to political ads that are sponsored by non-candidate third parties.


While Randall Terry is not on the ballot in Virginia, he meets the FCC’s requirement for a “legally qualified candidate” nationally, which allows him to air his paid commercials on our station.

A disclaimer before the ad airs warns viewers that the ad contains graphic images that may disturb some viewers.

If you want to file a complaint about the ad, you can reach out to the FCC at this link.