
TRUTH TRACKER: 2nd Congressional District Race, Luria Vs. Kiggans

HAMPTON ROADS, Va. (WAVY) — With 35 days until election day, 10 On Your Side brought out the Truth Tracker to profile one of the most heavily funded and watched Congressional races in the country. 

The 2nd District Congressional race, as of October 4, has brought in $7,449,915, making it the most well-funded congressional race in Virginia and North Carolina, and in most states across the country. 

National Democrats and Republicans put the Elaine Luria-Jen Kiggans race in the top five for both parties.  

They are two fully engaged candidates that don’t seem to really like each other too much. 

Kiggans says Luria’s campaign is lying about her being extreme on the issues, and Luria and Kiggans both say the other is lying about the other’s stance on abortion issues. 

There are two major issues in this race: abortion and the economy and voters know that because they see that in the commercials. 

“It’s a lie,” Luria told 10 On Your Side. “She is lying about my stance on abortion,” Kiggans answered back.

What both do agree on seems to be that there are lies everywhere, and 10 On Your Side showed both of them the commercials in the race. 

“Jen Kiggans can’t be trusted with our health. While in the Virginia legislature Kiggans voted to block expanded access to abortion putting many women at risk. Vote against Jennifer Kiggans, and her extreme stances,” stated one ad. The source for that is Senate Bills 733 (3/2/20) and SB 1276 (1/22/21).  

“False,” said Kiggans. “That is false…what is false about it is my opponent continues to call me an extremist.” 

However, Truth Tracker finds it to be true. Kiggans did vote for SB733 and 1276 which put restrictions on abortions.

“I voted against nurse practitioners to perform abortions, and I stood on the Senate floor, and I spoke against that, and I am a nurse practitioner,” said Kiggans.

Is Kiggans extreme? Well, It depends on what side of the abortion issue you are. Abortion is so highly charged, if you aren’t on one side then you are considered extreme by the other side. 

“She is lying about my stand on abortion. I’ve always supported abortions in cases of rape, incest and life of mother,” Kiggans told 10 On Your Side.

“This woman says there should be no exceptions for abortion except rape, incest or life of the mother, and that is extreme and that does not align with what people in our community, or across our country believe,” said Luria.

That exchange is a perfect example of the political divide on abortion. 

It is TRUE, the U.S. Supreme Court gave Democrats and like-minded Republicans an issue when the court overturned ROE V WADE. 

“Elaine Luria has voted for allowing abortions up to nine months for any reasons at taxpayer expense,” A pro-Kiggans ad states. The source for that is her support for the Women’s Health Protection Act

Luria was quick to respond to that after 10 On Your Side showed her the commercial,  

“It is an absolute lie. This type of scenario they are describing is an extreme situation and the law in Virginia requires three separate consultations from three physicians to determine if the life of the mother is in danger.” 

Here’s what is TRUE: 

Luria voted for the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022 in March which included the Hyde Amendment that prohibits federal funding for abortion. That is true. Luria did support the Women’s Health Protection Act that codified Roe V Wade. That is true, and it is true that pro-Luria commercials center on abortion while Kiggans commercials center on the economy and aligning Luria with President Biden and his economic policies.  

“Elaine Luria so liberal, so out of touch, you have to hear it to believe it, “ A pro-Kiggans commercial states with Luria being heard saying, “Thank God we elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They have done so many good things.”   

The ad shows Luria addressing democratic supporters, she is holding a mic, and telling the crowd what a great job President Biden has done.  

10 On Your Side asked her if she regrets saying that statement, something that may not be in line with Second Congressional District political thought along with very low approval ratings across the nation for President Biden.  

“You know the polls are open today. We will see what voters want, but no, I don’t regret it at all,” said Luria. “Just look at what this Biden administration has done. We said for decades we are going to invest in infrastructure, and we invested in infrastructure. We invested in bringing American manufacturing back. We got [vaccine] shots in arms. We got kids back in schools. We have invested more in this year’s defense budget than ever, and I was part of bringing $37 billion dollars to that budget.” 

“They have done so many good things,” Luria can be heard in the commercial. The announcer comes back, “Good things? Weakened military, record crime. Inflation is at a 40-year high, and everything is more expensive. They’ve done so many good things? No, Elaine, they haven’t.” 

Kiggans thinks she benefits from the poor performing economy. 

“Look, those good things she talks about are on the ballot this year: The economy, the military. Not only the skyrocketing crime rates. Things like our community safety. Our kids in school.” 

Luria knows it’s a tough time to run.  

“I am very concerned as well. Consumer prices were quite high, and they continue to go down. Republicans like to complain rather than doing something about it.”  

Congresswoman Luria got prime-time attention for her position and performance on the Select Committee investigating the January 6 Insurrection.  

She has said, repeatedly, if it means she doesn’t get re-elected, then so be it. 

Luria also serves on the House Armed Services Committee. 

“[I’m] specifically focused on the military readiness, building a fleet that can deal with the challenges in the world; deterring China invading Taiwan, supporting NATO after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.” 

Luria is hoping her service is remembered on election day, Kiggans is betting it’s about the economy.