Steven DiFiore is the Libertarian candidate for North Carolina’s governor. The governor’s election is scheduled for Nov. 3, 2020.

He is facing Constitution Party candidate Al Pisano, Republican candidate Dan Forest, and Democratic incumbent Roy Cooper.

Candidate Name: Steven DiFiore

Race: N.C. Governor

Party: Libertarian


Biography: Steven DiFiore has been a resident of North Carolina since 2004 having moved from AuSable Forks, N.Y. when he was a teenager. Steven earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 2009. His professional experience includes working as a lighting controls specialist, as well as in retail, security, customer service, and information technology. He currently serves as the recording secretary for the Libertarian Party of Mecklenburg County’s Executive Committee and is affiliated with the Libertarian Party of North Carolina.

Why should the people of North Carolina elect you as governor? 

A Libertarian administration would be focused on solutions geared towards both communities and individuals. Having someone in the executive branch that isn’t a Democrat or Republican would force the legislature to work together on bi-partisan legislation with broad public support at the very least. By saying no to politics as usual we can send a powerful message of empowerment and get the gears of government working for the common good rather than establishment interests.

What is the most important legislative issue facing North Carolina, and what is your position on it? 

The most important legislative issue facing our state at the moment is COVID-19 relief. The pandemic is a serious health crisis and the government’s response has put hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians out of work. We need to reform our state’s certificate of need laws so that people can get the best possible medical care at prices that don’t bankrupt working families. We need to provide relief to small businesses by issuing a property tax holiday so they have more funds to keep the lights on, especially amid government mandates that negatively impact their business model.

What is the top challenge facing North Carolina, and how would you address it if elected? 

The top challenge facing North Carolina will be the economic recovery. We’ve shown that with social distancing, mask wearing, and proper medical care we can flatten the curve of COVID in our state. Now we must get to work in reinvigorating our state’s economy. People need to again be allowed to earn a living, but there are state imposed barriers for workers. These include many occupational licensing laws and their associated fees which do nothing more than prevent competition for already established businesses and trades.

In light of national gun control debates, what, if any, gun laws would you support changing? 

The national gun control debate is over in the minds of many. The nightly news is filled with images of unrest in some parts of the country and we’ve seen the largest increase of first time firearms purchases in history. When many felt that their local police force may not be able to protect them they decided exercise their rights as protected by our Constitution. Libertarians support all of our rights all of the time, and with so many new firearms owners it may be a good idea to help foster efforts towards education and responsible gun ownership so our fellow citizens can enjoy their rights safely and responsibly.

What are the top three issues created by the coronavirus pandemic in North Carolina, and how would you plan to address them? 

The top three issues created by COVID involve our education system, the job market, and access to medical care. With many public schools shutting down or curtailing in-person instruction parents and families need more choices to seek the education solution that they feel is the best fit for them. With the service sector of the economy grinding to a halt due to shutdowns some government controlled institutions, like the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission, have been weaponized against small business owners who are just trying to earn a living. Privatization of the ABC will ensure this organization cannot abuse the people of our state in the future. Lastly, but not least, the many hospital lay-offs and staff furloughs during a pandemic is unacceptable. Current laws prevent independent clinics and doctors from competing with large hospital groups. Reforming these laws is a vital priority to ensure our communities can get the quality of care they deserve.

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