
Candidate Profile: Shannon Kane (21st District)

Shannon Kane is running for House of Delegates, 21st District.

Name: Shannon Kane

Race: House of Delegates, 21st District

Party: Republican

Website: Shannonfordelegate.com

Why should residents elect you to the Virginia House of Delegates?

I have a record of accomplishing great things for Virginia Beach voters when I served as their city councilwoman, including expanding full day kindergarten, pay raises for teachers, creating jobs, supporting small, women and minority-owned businesses, and securing record funding to solve flooding.  Compared to the record of the incumbent, with zero bills passed, my record is far superior and I will work hard for Virginia Beach and Chesapeake.

What is the biggest issue facing your district, and how do you plan to address it?

The biggest issue in the 21st District is getting things done.  We’ve knocked on over 28,000 doors throughout the spring and summer, and voters are worried.  They see my opponent on the news grandstanding but not seeing any results.  I didn’t run for City Council to grandstand and make speeches and I’m not running for delegate for that either.  I focus on getting results, and whether it’s for education, prioritizing state spending or fixing flooding issues, I will continue to get results.

What was the most important vote taken in the Virginia General Assembly in 2019, and why?

I think the most important vote taken was when my opponent voted to block consideration of assistance to the families of the victims of the Virginia Beach shooting.  When politics get put ahead of helping people, that is the wrong vote and I think it shows we need a new delegate in the 21st.