
Candidate Profile: Nanette Miller (Virginia Beach City Council)

Nanette Miller is a candidate for Virginia Beach City Council. Her name will appear on the ballot on Nov. 8, 2022.

Nanette Miller is a candidate for Virginia Beach City Council. Her name will appear on the ballot on Nov. 8, 2022.

10 On Your Side reached out to all of the candidates running in this race. If you do not see a candidate listed with a profile, we did not receive one.

See who is on your ballot by viewing the candidate lists on the Virginia Department of Elections website.

Name: Nanette Miller

Race: Virginia Beach City Council

Biography: Nanette Miller is a lifelong resident of Virginia Beach, graduated from Frank W. Cox High School, earned and associates degree from Tidewater Community College, and joined the U.S. Navy. She earned a B.A. from St Leo University, was commissioned as a Naval intelligence officer, and retired after more than 30 years and reaching the rank of commander.

Miller has been married for 40 years to Randall Miller, also retired Navy, and they have two daughters and four granddaughters.

Miller earned a master’s degree in American government from Regent University.

Over the years she volunteered with Junior Achievement, Virginia Beach Court Docent Program, and with various veterans organizations and nonprofits. She is currently the first vice chair for the Republican Party of Virginia Beach.

Why should residents elect you to City Council?

I bring a proven record of leadership and management having served as in the Navy for over 30 years. I am a lifelong resident of Virginia Beach while having lived and worked around the world. I understand I need to listen and be thoughtful and concise in dealing with issues that affect the whole of our city. I know how to talk and work with others and how to get done what needs to get done.

What are the top three priorities you would tackle if elected?

Public safety is priority number one. Our law enforcement officers need to have great pay, great training, and great support. We must ensure our neighborhoods are safe and that takes the community working together.

This past year, personal property and property taxes provided a huge surplus to the city coffers. The city manager needs to be looking for recommendations to city council on how to reimburse citizens for the overpayments. The next budget must take inflation and the impact on the citizen into account.

Our school board and city council members must start working together to ensure the needs of our students, staff and teachers are met.

What is the most pressing economic issue facing your community, and how would you address it?

For the city, I believe the most pressing issue is that inflation and taxes. This past year the city had a huge windfall from the taxes due to inflated vehicle and property taxes. At the same time, we are dealing with the highest rate of inflation in 40 years. Care must be taken to ensure citizens are taxed based on the needs of city, not on extra projects or adventures. District 2 has the largest mass of waterways and wetlands. Flooding and sea level rise are extremely important. The Comprehensive Flood Plan needs be followed, and those areas of concern need to be addressed. The current Bond Referendum only addresses three projects in District 2.

What are your community’s biggest infrastructure needs, and how do you plan to fulfill them?

Flooding mitigation for the roadways throughout the city but especially for District 2. There are still many old, narrow country roads which are low-lying and have drainage ditches to move water, which too often not well maintained.

How is gun violence impacting your community, and how do you plan to address gun violence?

Gun Violence is a complex issue and must be addressed as such. The violence is a sign that something is seriously wrong with our society when life is treated so cavalierly. We need to commit fully to addressing and finding solutions as to what is causing the violence.

Law enforcement states the driving of crime is gangs, but what fuels gangs is no traditional family structure, little to no education, and no respect for life. These are some of the root causes for a break down in our society where gangs can flourish.

The violence must be approached from all parts of our society, the family, schools, churches, and law enforcement. There must be a commitment to look at short term policies and long-term solutions. Each city in our region must work together. It is heart breaking to see good people caught in the crossfire and the tragedy for the families left behind, as well as for those who have committing the crimes.