Name: Mark Downey

Race: House of Delegates, 96th District

Party: Democrat

Biography: Dr. Mark Downey grew up in Williamsburg, attended the local public schools, and eventually went on to become a chemical engineer after graduating the University of Virginia. He went back to school at the Medical College of Virginia to become a pediatrician, and has been a pediatrician in the community for the past 20 years. He also volunteers for two local swim teams and the nearby rowing team.


Why should residents elect you to the Virginia House of Delegates? 

As a pediatrician for the past 20 years, my life’s work has been devoted to caring for children and their families, and keeping kids active and healthy. I will work hard every day to ensure that citizens of the 96th district have their basic needs met and safe communities for them to thrive in. I’ll make decisions for the district using the best evidence-based data available, and will listen to constituents for feedback. The same passion that I bring every day to my job will be brought to the House of Delegates once elected.

What is the biggest issue facing your district, and how do you plan to address it? 

The 96th district has many citizens who are unable to afford health insurance and face an uncertain future without access to health care. They are visiting the ER for emergencies that could have been avoided through regular preventative care, and are facing bankruptcies because of a lack of insurance. Constituents want to ensure that their pre-existing conditions will be covered by insurance and that out of pocket costs won’t be exorbitant. I want to continue expanding access to quality affordable health care for all Virginians. 

What was the most important vote taken in the Virginia General Assembly in 2019, and why? 

I was pleased to see that investments were made in education, including the 5% pay raise for teachers. However, we must do more to invest in our public schools, infrastructure, and increasing school support staff like school counselors and psychologists.