
Candidate Profile: Kevin Hayes (NC Senate)

Kevin Hayes is running for U.S. Senate.

Kevin Hayes is the Constitution Party candidate U.S. Senate in North Carolina. The Congressional election is scheduled for Nov. 3, 2020.

He is facing Democratic candidate Cal Cunningham, Libertarian candidate Shannon Bray, and Republican incumbent Thom Tillis.

Name: Kevin Hayes

Race: U.S. Senate

Party: Constitution Party

Website: hayesforussenate.com


I was born and raised in eastern North Carolina where I started a small information technology business. I have experience working in nearly every major retail business in information technology
and in the corporate banking.

Political experience: Vice chairman of the Constitution Party of North Carolina since 2016 and co-founder of Free The Vote N.C. I also have experience lobbying for legislation in Raleigh working with both Democrats and Republicans to get important legislation passed in North Carolina. I’ve also worked on several Congressional and presidential campaigns.

Why should the people of North Carolina elect you to Congress?  

The people of North Carolina need someone in Washington that will place principle over politics and simply honor their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution. I promise I will always take my oath of office seriously. We need someone who will fight for the citizens of North Carolina and not big out of state donors and special interest.

What is the top challenge facing North Carolina, and how would you address it if elected? 

One of the challenges I think we face in North Carolina is a lack of leadership that will follow the Constitution. We need someone who will work for all the people of North Carolina and protect their Constitutional rights.  I will never support any bill that will trample on the Constitutional rights of the citizens of North Carolina.

In light of national gun control debates, what, if any, gun laws would you support changing?

The Second Amendment is clear that people have the right to keep and bear arms. To that degree I will work to repeal any unconstitutional laws that violate that principle. Unlike Sen. Tillis, I will never support red flag gun laws that will take away your right to keep and bear arms. It’s time we send someone to Washington who will defend and protect the Second Amendment.

What are the top three issues created by the coronavirus pandemic in North Carolina, and how would you plan to address them? 

We have a major issue on our hand with the coronavirus. Most of these issues caused are at the feet of the current Governor of North Carolina Roy Cooper. I am the only candidate for U.S. Senate who has drafted Articles of Impeachment and pushed the N.C. House to take up impeachment.  Sen. Tillis was speaker of the NC House for a while and he is good friends with Speaker Tim Moore. I’ve asked him to join me in this effort but so far, he is noncommittal. Cal Cunningham has also not addressed this issue.  

We’ve got to get North Carolina back open. These restrictions are killing small businesses in North Carolina. I’ve talked with so many who are being forced out of business. Certainly, people have been affected by it and people should use common sense. Day one when elected, I will work on legislation that will ensure people’s Constitutional rights are no longer violated by elected officials such as Gov. Cooper who has deemed himself to be a king.   

The Founding Fathers dealt with many pandemics far worse than the Coronavirus. Yet, they never once shut the country down which has led to panic and fear. In order to help the people of North Carolina who have been affected by king Cooper’s executive orders I will work on legislation that will reduce the tax burden on those who have lost their job or been on unemployment because of this issue.

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