
Candidate Profile: Kelly Convirs-Fowler (21st District)

Name: Kelly Convirs-Fowler

Race: House of Delegates, 21st District

Party: Democrat

Website: DelegateFowler.com

Kelly Convirs-Fowler is running for House of Delegates, 21st District.

Why should residents re-elect you to the Virginia House of Delegates?

I first ran in 2017 on the promise of expanding medicaid, finding solutions to flooding and coastal resiliency, and making Virginia a better place for women of all ages, races, and ethnicities. I’ve delivered on that promise. Since being elected I’ve delivered key votes to pass medicaid expansion, raise teacher pay, provide tax credits for small businesses, and ensure renters and homeowners are protected against flooding and sea level rise.

What is the biggest issue facing your district, and how do you plan to address it?

Flooding has been a considerable issue in and around my district. Once I started my own business as a real estate agent specializing in military family relocation, I’ve been seeing in person and hearing from families who have been affected by flooding every time we experience heavy rainfall.

This is going to set our community back by reducing property values for single family homes and small businesses and uproot families who choose to purchase homes in Virginia Beach. That’s why I pushed a bill in the General Assembly to mandate flood zone disclosures for families looking to buy a home in Virginia.

What was the most important vote taken in the Virginia General Assembly in 2019, and why?

The most important vote taken was during special session this past summer, when Speaker Cox and the Republican majority voted to ignore the need for guns safety solutions and gaveled out after only 90 minutes. It showed that Virginia needs new leadership if we want to tackle gun violence and save lives.