Name: Cheryl Turpin

Race: Senate, 7th District

Party: Democrat


Biography: Cheryl Turpin has spent almost three decades as a high school science teacher making a difference in the lives of her students. Now she is running to make a difference for Virginia Beach in the Virginia Senate. As a science teacher at Cox, Princess Anne, and Tallwood High Schools, Del. Turpin has strong ties across Virginia Beach’s 7th Senate District.

Del. Turpin currently represents Virginia Beach in the 85th District of the Virginia House of Delegates. She has played a key role in bringing Medicaid Expansion to Virginia, increasing teacher pay, and giving struggling schools the resources they need. As a state senator, she will keep fighting for affordable and accessible healthcare and keeping our air and water clean.

Why should residents elect you to the Virginia Senate?

Virginia Beach residents should elect me to the Virginia Senate because from day one I have been a champion for Medicaid Expansion and making healthcare more easily accessible and affordable.  As a public high school science teacher and mother of two strong young, women, I understand how important issues like affordable healthcare, women’s reproductive rights, and gun violence prevention are to our community because I see them every day.

What is the biggest issue facing your district, and how do you plan to address it?

The biggest issue facing us is ensuring everyone has access to quality, affordable healthcare.  That’s why I was proud to vote to pass Medicaid Expansion because it is a great first step and I will proudly vote to protect and strengthen it.

What was the most important vote taken in the Virginia General Assembly in 2019, and why?

There will be so many.  Medicaid expansion — we cannot go backwards on this issue. I’m also proud of the redistricting amendment which was a huge step in the right direction to ensure politicians can’t gerrymander themselves into safe seats. Of course, as a career public school teacher, I was proud to introduce a bill which passed unanimously and was recently signed into law by the Governor which increases resources to struggling schools.