
NCDMV: New scam urging residents to pay nonexistent fine

ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. (WAVY) – The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV) is warning customers about a recent scam involving fake emails from a group claiming to be from the “Department of Transportation.”

According to several law enforcement agencies, many DMV customers have been targeted by scammers who are encouraging them to click on a link to pay a fine for an alleged driving violation.

The scammers are using the email address “notice@penalty-gov-us” and claiming to be from the Traffic Division of the Department of Transportation. The email includes a link for customers to make a payment for a fine.

“DMV customers must remain vigilant as criminals try newer ways to defraud customers and steal their identities,” said DMV Commissioner Wayne Goodwin. “If you receive any unexpected email alleging you owe the DMV or the State money, then be very wary and contact the agency to verify the truth of the communication from an official telephone number or email address, but do not use the contact info appearing in the email.”

Customers are urged to be aware of any emails from individuals using the aforementioned email address and to be cautious of any emails claiming to be from the Traffic Division of the Department of Transportation. The NCDMV and the NCDOT will never send customers an email regarding driving records, driving history, or notices to pay fines related to driving violations, instead, all notifications to customers concerning such violations would be on official letterhead or forms through regular mail.

Those who have received one of these emails are encouraged to contact the NCDMV’s Licensing and Theft Bureau at (919) 861-3101 to report the scam.

Below is a list of guidance and information to help you be more aware of scams:

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