(WAVY) — 2024 will be at a record low in U.S. military recruitment, said government officials.

The New Year will be the smallest active duty force since 1940.

The Department of Defense (DOD) says military services missed recruiting goals by 41,000 during the 2023 fiscal year. The shortfall hits the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

However, the Marine Corps and Space Force meets it’s recruiting goals.

Officials want young people to enlist. The DOD reports that only 23% of young people between 17 and 24 qualify to join the military, but even fewer have interest in joining.

The DOD lists the following that contributes to recruiting challenges:

  • A strong economy, which has resulted in many more options for young people.  
  • A smaller eligible population. 
  • Generation Z, the generation born from 1997 to 2012, generally has a low trust in institutions. 
  • Generation Z has decreasingly followed traditional life and career paths. 
  • Young people have fewer family members who served, which decreases the propensity to serve. 

A 2020 report from the Federation of American Scientists shows obesity in the U.S. also affects military recruitment.

The DOD wants lawmakers to help encourage young people to serve and says that the Army has a program to help recruits qualify for enlistment.

The Airforce has camps that allow young people to experience service life.