WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (WAVY) — This holiday season, we’ve seen so many acts of kindness, including from a young man who collected coats for 10 On Your Side’s Coats for Families drive.

Ben Rutter, a Walsingham Academy student, donated 80 coats as part of the Coats for Families drive.

He more than doubled that this year, collecting more than 160 coats.

“I had to pile them in my garage, and we couldn’t park any of the cars in there,” Rutter said. “It feels really good that we’re helping families in need during the cold winter season because it’s not fun to be cold.”

He said he became aware of the need while riding to Hampton Roads for his brother’s soccer practice.

“One day, I saw a lot of families that looked like they didn’t have enough clothes for the winter and just had blankets,” Rutter said. “So I realized I need to help and start a coat drive to help donate. It feels really good ’cause I know they’re going to a good place, and I think it will help a lot for those families.”

The last distribution event is this Saturday in Hampton.