VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Virginia Beach Sheriff Ken Stolle has announced that he will retire later this year.

Once Stolle retires, Councilman Rocky Holcomb, the current chief deputy, will be sworn in as sheriff until a special election can take place. Holcomb will resign his position on the Virginia Beach City Council once that happens.

Rocky Holcomb (Photo provided by VBSO)

Stolle released the following statement:

To my VBSO family,

The last 13 years have been the most rewarding of my career. I am so proud to be your sheriff and to have had the privilege of leading you and serving alongside you. We have accomplished some incredible things together and have made the VBSO, the jail and Virginia Beach better, safer places.

So with careful consideration and reflecting on these accomplishments, I have decided not to seek reelection and will retire later this year. This was a difficult decision, but it’s time that I focus on my family and make room for the next generation of leadership. I am proud to announce that, when I retire, Chief Deputy Rocky Holcomb will be sworn in as sheriff until a special election can be conducted. Chief Deputy Holcomb has dedicated his career to this organization and will be a great sheriff. I ask that you give him your full support.

I will keep you informed once my retirement date is decided.

I also want to share with you that I will be having back surgery soon and will be out of the office for several weeks. During that time, Chief Deputy Holcomb will be in charge and will lead in my stead, with support from Brian Struzzieri and Tina Mapes. I have every confidence in them and know the VBSO will be well taken care of.

Thank you for everything. This is the best sheriff’s office in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the best, most dedicated, most professional group of public servants. I know that Virginia Beach will continue to be in good hands.

Your sheriff, 

Ken Stolle

Virginia Beach Sheriff, Ken Stolle

Prior to becoming sheriff, Stolle was a Republican state senator from 1992 until 2009. During his 13-year tenure as sheriff, Stolle implemented a reentry program to help inmates successfully transition back into society. Additionally, he helped to achieved pay parity with the Virginia Beach Police Department and created an alternative sentencing program for nonviolent offenders.

Stolle has served while overcoming Parkinson’s disease since 2006. Holcomb has served with the Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office since 1991 and is its highest-ranking deputy sheriff. He became chief deputy in May 2018.