VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) – A $3 million settlement has been reached between the City of Virginia Beach and the family of Donovon Lynch after a Virginia Beach police officer shot and killed him in March 2021.

In a joint statement Tuesday evening, the City of Virginia Beach and the estate of Donovon Lynch said: “as we have learned more over time about the facts of that fateful night and encounter, we have come to understand that a series of unfortunate occurrences led to Donovon’s death that night – which in hindsight should never have occurred as it was later determined that neither Donovon nor the officer set in motion the events that transpired. We understand that the settlement will in no way lessen the grief and loss for the Lynch family. The City’s ongoing support for its public safety personnel and its investment in officer education and technological advancements underscores the City’s commitment to providing greater transparency.”

All of the money is expected to go to the Donovon Lynch Foundation.

Lynch’s father, Wayne Lynch, and attorney Justin Fairfax provided an update in a press conference Wednesday morning regarding the lawsuit against the city.

Watch the full press conference below.

“Donovon is vindicated,” said his father during the press conference. “I can smile today with confidence and peace of mind and a broken heart.”

Wayne Lynch thanked the City of Virginia Beach for “stepping up” and “doing the right thing.”

“We’ve come a long way for this fight for justice for Donovon Lynch. I’m here to tell you we have justice for Donovon Lynch,” said Lynch stating that he knew from the beginning that his son’s reputation would be restored.

The family’s attorney, Justin Fairfax, said the family has shown resilience and that this is an opportunity for everyone to rise up.

Officials added that they would continue to do everything possible to keep everyone safe and serve the best interests of the city.

“The City and Lynch family have mutually reached this agreement and will move toward healing and closure,” the statement said. “We also hope this resolution will elevate our common humanity and how we all treat each other in Virginia Beach, the Commonwealth of Virginia and throughout our nation.”

The city had said the March 26, 2021 shooting at the hands of the officer was justified, and Lynch’s father had filed a $50 million federal lawsuit against the officer and the city.