VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — The Sandler Center for the Performing Arts in Virginia Beach will reopen to the public.

The Sandler Center is opening its doors once again under what officials say is their “all-inclusive reopening plan” which includes a blueprint of the best practices, policies, and procedures the venue has put in place before welcoming back patrons in the coming months.

Venue officials say the “Together Again” reopening plan was created under the CDC’s guidance.

Below is a summary of the key elements of the plan: 

    • Officials have taken enhanced health and safety measures to protect our venue guests. However, there is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the CDC, senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. By entering the venue, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19, and Venue disclaims any and all liability related thereto. In accordance with the guidance and recommendations set forth by the CDC and local health officials, officials respectfully request that the following guests not attend events:
      • Guests who are feeling sick or experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms (including fever, cough, and shortness of breath).
      • Guests who have been diagnosed with, or believe to have contracted, COVID-19, unless you have had no fever for 72 hours (without the use of medicine) and 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
      • Guests who have been in contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
      • Guests who have traveled internationally in the past 14 days.
    • At this time, all patrons entering the venue will be required to wear a facial covering or mask and keep it on at all times while in the venue.
    • Guests are required to maintain 6 feet apart at all times. There will be no unnecessary congregations or lines. For events requiring tickets or registration, stanchions and visual markers will be utilized to help attendees adhere to social distancing.
    • Our cleaning procedures are thorough and comprehensive. Following recommendations from the CDC and local authorities, our staff is focused on the disinfection of high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, escalators, elevator buttons, and bathrooms.
    • Officials have also filled hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the facility; advised our volunteers to not hand out programs; and ticket takers, box office, concessions, and coat check staff are encouraged to wear gloves.
    • Our staff, partners, and guests are encouraged to follow standard health precautions, such as consistent hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes. Officials encourage individuals who are sick to stay home.
    • In an effort to keep our Box Office staff safe, our Box Office will remain closed until further notice.
      • For ticketing questions, please email venue officials at or message officials on Facebook.
    • The following initiatives will be present at the Box Office at the time of opening.
      • Patrons are encouraged to download their tickets to their mobile device. Instructions will be sent directly to the purchaser with instructions on how to do so.
      • Officials encourage patrons to give officials their email and phone number when purchasing tickets online or at the Box Office to ensure we can communicate with you as needed.
      • Patrons are encouraged to use a credit/debit card instead of cash.
      • Ticket sellers will be wearing face coverings and encouraged to wear gloves. Ticket sellers will do touchless ticket scanning when possible.
    • To move guests in a safe and orderly manner, the following procedures are in place.
      • Doors will be opened by venue staff who will help space people coming through to allow for appropriate social distancing. Outdoor ushers will direct patrons towards an appropriate entrance.
      • Theater doors will be propped open when the venue opens. Ticket takers and ushers will encourage patrons to go into the theater to find their seats and not congregate around entrances or the lobby.
      • Large bags are discouraged from being brought into the building. All bags will be searched in a touchless manner.
      • Coat check will be open to accepting items that need to be stored during performances. Information about safety procedures and policies will be posted and available at the coat check booth.
      • There will be no standing cocktail tables, rack card stands, or other items in the lobby that might encourage congregation.
      • Staff manning the merchandise booth will wear face coverings and patrons will be encouraged to pay using a touchless debit/credit card system.

The Sandler Center’s first scheduled event to return will be Anchor Church on January 3, 2021.