VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) – A star of the NBA is coming to Virginia Beach as part of a massive business conference that was created for you.

“I’ve been in business for over 40 years, and my goal is always to grow every single day. But how do you do that? How do you grow every day?” said Tony DiSilvestro.

You may know DiSilvestro best from founding the Ynot Pizza franchise, but he is also in construction, a published author, a coach, and more. Now, he created the largest business conference ever to hit Virginia Beach.

“I’ve been to conferences all over the country, and I really felt there was a need in Virginia Beach. So, I decided to bring this conference to Virginia Beach. I hired Magic Johnson, Dave Meltzer, 12 other speakers from all over the country who are coming, just bringing a variety of different aspects of the business to help you grow your business. If you have corporate fatigue, or you have leadership things that you want to change in your business, you’ll be able to do it at this conference.”

It’s called the Business Scaling Experience. One element of the conference is Experience X.

“I have a Ted X speaker coming in, and you will have the opportunity to be up on stage, where Magic Johnson and all these big speakers are, and pitch for seven minutes. We’re actually having four judges determine who is the winner, and the winner doesn’t pay for anything. Everything is free for them for the whole conference. If you want to pitch your business, get out there, and get on stage where Magic Johnson is pitching his business, come to Business Scaling Experience and go to Experience X.”

DiSilvestro says your business pitch will be recorded, and it’ll be all yours when you leave the conference.

“From Experience X, you’ll have video content and all the stuff that you can use to publicize your business, or whatever you’re trying to do in business.”

There will also be round table discussions.

“It’s like speed dating, but it’s all about business. So, we’ll have different concepts of business, whether it be HR, insurance, health care, scaling your business, or writing a book. We’ll all be in a big room, and then every 20 minutes, you’ll switch to each table, and really get infected by so many aspects of your business. On the first day, we’ll have these roundtable discussions with different business concepts, and then we go into 32 different breakout sessions where you can actually pick the topic that is most relevant to your business and go to that breakout room. Then, we’ll also have the main stage where all the top speakers are going to be talking at the main stage, but the breakout sessions are really going to be something that you’re focused on. Growth in your business, or changing in your business, you’ll have this opportunity to go to many breakout rooms.”

DiSilvestro says the Business Scaling Experience is for every business owner no matter where you are in your journey.

“Whether you’re at $1 million in business or $10 million in business, how do you get to that next level? So really, it’s affecting everybody in the business community.”

The Business Scaling Experience is from April 24 through the 26. It’ll be held at the Sandler Center in Virginia Beach. If you’re interested in buying tickets to the conference, click here.