
No place for mom: Son decides to remove her from Norfolk nursing home

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — For Justin Bozeman, two weeks at Autumn Care of Norfolk was enough. He told 10 On Your Side he will remove his mother Tamara, 60, from the facility after what he describes as a lack of proper care and a lack of communication with family.

“I’m pulling her out of there today,” Bozeman said in a Tuesday afternoon interview.

Tamara Bozeman went to Autumn Care from the hospital in mid-January for rehab and physical therapy. She has kidney failure, COPD, diabetes and other conditions. She needed therapy after losing strength during an extended hospital stay.

“We were told that therapy would be three times a day, Monday through Friday,” but instead it was 15 minutes every other day, Justin Bozeman said.

Tamara Bozeman needs dialysis three times a week, but her son says that, too, has been chaotic.

“Every day when she has dialysis, we don’t know who’s taking her. It has been absolutely upside down to where she has missed a dialysis date due to transportation,” Justin Bozeman said.

On one dialysis day last week, Justin Bozeman says his mother wasn’t properly clothed on a frigid morning.

“It was 28 degrees and the only thing that they had given her time to put on was her little housecoat, a sweater-type thing. They didn’t know that she was going, they weren’t prepared, they didn’t have breakfast prepared for her,” Justin Bozeman said about his mother’s dialysis treatment, which can last up to three hours.

Autumn Care of Norfolk is operated by Saber Healthcare, headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. 10 On Your side has contacted them for a response to Justin Bozeman’s claims, and will update this story with any comment we get from the company.

Saber has seven facilities in Hampton Roads, 34 in Virginia, as well as facilities in six other states. We have reported on complaints at Autumn Care centers in Chesapeake and Suffolk in the past.

Justin Bozeman says the night staff in Norfolk is a particular problem.

“It’s the lack of care being given from the nurses, the aides, the LPNs. The nurses would hang up on me and my sister when we’re trying to talk to them,” he said.

On one occasion, Tamara Bozeman began to bleed near her dialysis port, but her son says Autumn Care didn’t have the basics for first aid.

“The nurse instantly said, and I was on the phone, ‘We don’t have bandages, I don’t have tape for you.’ It got to the point where I had to go to CVS and Walgreen’s and buy bandages and give her a package,” he said.

Justin Bozeman says he will bring his mother home and look into home health care for her.

“No more nursing homes,” he said.