
CHKD’s milk bank in dire need of donations

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — The tiniest and most fragile babies at the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters need help. The CHKD Milk Bank is in dire need of breast milk donations.

The CHKD milk bank refrigerator shelves are empty which means sick babies could die.

“We’ve been having a hard time over the last several months,” Ashlynn Baker, Director of Milk Bank Services CHKD, told 10 On Your Side. “It started with the formula recalls and the shortages of donors.” 

The King’s Daughters Milk Bank at CHKD provides life-saving benefits of breast milk to severely premature and critically ill infants. Breast milk improves their chances of survival.

“Human milk contains species-specific antibodies, anti-inflammatory components, and proteins made optimally for the development and growth of an infant,” said Baker.

The CHKD facility is one of 31 nonprofit milk banks in North America. The CHKD location serves NIC-Us from New Jersey to Florida. With the busy holiday season ahead, the milk bank is seeking kind mothers. 

A little can go a long way. One ounce of milk can treat four premature or ill babies. Baker says mothers who have experienced loss can use milk donations to honor their angel’s legacy.

“We are bringing relief to the families that are holding vigils over incubators, praying their baby makes it through the day,” said Baker.

The milk makes accepts donations from across the country. Potential donors must complete a phone screening and blood test. Once the facility receives the milk it is tested in a lab and pasteurized.

Donors interested in giving can call 757-668-6455 or email kdmilkbank@chkd.org.