
Newport News Shipbuilding daily coronavirus update: Saturday case total 12

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (WAVY) — As of April 4 at 10:50 a.m., Newport News Shipbuilding has 12 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

There are also 48 confirmed cases in Newport News in total, the Virginia Department of Health reported Saturday.

Here are the details of the three new cases reported by Huntington Ingalls.

A majority of the cases involve those at Off-Yard offices nearby and the shipyard’s Mid Yard.

According to the NNS website, “Starting April 4, we are changing our reporting structure to follow Department of Defense guidance regarding naval personnel and ships. Government civilians, Navy personnel and contractors will now be categorized a “non-NNS employed person.” As a reminder, if a space number is included with ship location information, please remember that if you have public discussions about our ships, providing a space number with the function of that space is against security policy.”

Reported cases by location as of Saturday:

Here’s a breakdown of the cases reported so far:

Friday, April 3

Thursday, April 2

Wednesday, April 1

Tuesday, March 31

Monday, March 30

Sunday, March 29

Saturday, March 28

Friday, March 27

Thursday, March 26

Wednesday, March 25

Tuesday, March 24

Monday, March 23

While the shipyard is continuing to stay open because its work is considered “mission essential,” it is changing some policies to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. On Wednesday, the shipyard updated its liberal leave fact sheet and changed its policy on dock time. They are now allowing it for salaried employees.

Visit the links below for updated information:

Huntington Ingalls updates and extends ‘liberal leave’ policy for Newport News Shipbuilding and other divisions.

Liberal Leave Fact Sheet: nns.huntingtoningalls.com/…/2…/03/Liberal-Leave-Guidance.pdf

Pay and Benefits Guidance (to include dock time): nns.huntingtoningalls.com/…/03/Pay-and-Benefits-Guidance.pdf

Follow-up on recent NNS coverage and daily Virginia coronavirus updates.

The shipyard provides updates on new cases every day before noon, including Saturdays and Sundays. 

“Each new entry will include as much information as possible according to employee confidentiality laws and will indicate when it was posted or updated. Confidentiality laws prohibit us from disclosing the identities of any individuals,” according to NNS officials. “Any individual who has tested positive will be quarantined, and anyone believed to be at risk for exposure will be contacted and asked to self-quarantine.”

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