NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (WAVY) — Are you a Newport News resident and forgot to attend your jury duty? You might hear a knock on your door from the sheriff’s office this week.
The Newport News Sheriff’s Office say deputies this week will be knocking on the doors of people who have not shown up for jury duty.
In a recent find from the sheriff’s office, officials say only 37 out of 102 people who were summoned to serve on Jury Panels A and B showed up.
Jury duty notices are mailed from the Newport News Sheriff’s Office. They advise citizens of the date and time to appear. The document also states that failure to report for jury service “is subject to a finding of contempt and a fine.”
Deputies are currently serving show cause warrants this week for people to appear in court on Monday, June 21.

During court, those residents must explain to the judge why they didn’t respond to the jury duty summons.
Jury trials were halted for much of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but in-person trials resumed in December.