MATHEWS COUNTY, Va. (WAVY)– Founded in 1791, Mathews County offers a charming look at small-town America.

It also has downright ugly features.

In mid-January, a message of hate: “Kill N-words” was scribbled on a bathroom wall at Mathews High School. Concerned residents contacted 10 On Your Side when the superintendent of schools failed to warn parents and others about the potential danger.

While the bathroom incident is under investigation, a Confederate battle flag was installed on three acres of private property directly across from Thomas Hunter Middle School, which is named for a Black man who was a former slave.

County records reveal the three acres were purchased by Allen and Cathy Farmer in March of 2022. The Farmer family owns a septic tank service company in the nearby town of Moon.

Elections bring change to Virginia county torn over Confederate statue

Mathews County resident Dr. Suzanne Seekins told 10 On Your Side some school employees have privately expressed concerns about the social climate in the county.

“Quite a few of us in the community are concerned about that,” said Seekins, who moved to Mathews County four years ago. “And it’s bringing concern to the community about, visually, what’s happening to the children.”

A closer look shows the Confederate Battle flag, often associated with racist hatred and violence, is flanked by a masonry wall. Wednesday, 10 On Your Side captured images of the scene that show three people, construction equipment, and what appears to be construction materials near the flag site.

Dr. Melissa Mason, a former member of the Mathews County Board of Supervisors, believes the flag on display represents backlash from the Black Lives Matter movement that followed the death of George Floyd — who was killed by police — and the subsequent removal of racist symbols across the country.

“They are still upset,” Mason said. “It happened about three years ago when they changed the name [of the elementary school from Lee/Jackson to Mathews Elementary].”

Mathews Elementary School is next to Thomas Hunter Middle School.

Regina Mobley: Dr. Melissa Mason told me she feels that because of the political climate, some people in Mathews have felt emboldened to spread messages of hate. Do you agree?

Dr. Suzanne Seekins: I do. I feel as a small community, we are not doing enough to combat that.

But when children from the middle and elementary schools arrived for classes on Valentine’s Day they saw symbols of love that were installed by 10 volunteers.

“We were going to love bomb all of the schools so that those students would see that the community really, truly loves them,” Seekins said, “and hope they make a difference in how they feel when they come and go from their schools.”

There is speculation in the community that statues could be installed at the flag site.

10 On Your Side reached out to the Farmer family. Cathy Farmer told 10 On You Side she was unaware of future plans for the site and that I should speak with Allen Farmer.

Allen Farmer has not responded to two phone calls and an email request for information.