VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Pat Robertson, the right-wing televangelist and former GOP presidential candidate who founded the locally-based Christian Broadcasting Network, died Thursday at the age of 93.

He leaves behind a significant footprint in Hampton Roads. In addition to CBN, he founded the Christian college Regent University in 1977. The campus is in Virginia Beach. A year later, he founded Operation Blessing, a humanitarian organization that provides disaster relief and other resources to those in need.

Nationally, he’s well known for helping to make Christian conservatism a powerful political movement, through his Christian Coalition and the national reach of the network’s flagship show “700 Club.” It’s a hodgepodge of news, commentary and more from Christian and right-wing perspectives, and he was the face of it for six decades until his retirement in 2021.

However, the show also gave Robertson a megaphone to share what he’s known to many for: a history of offensive comments, particularly when it came to the LGBT community, in addition to a slew of headline-making conspiratorial predictions about the end of the world.

Here’s a sampling of some of the most notable remarks.

Anti-LGBT comments

Other notable comments

  • In 1992, as part of a push to stop the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment in Iowa, Robertson wrote that feminism is “a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.”
  • Robertson had a long history of anti-Islamic rhetoric, including saying on the 700 Club that “Islam, at its core, teaches violence” and that Islam was about world domination. In 2012, CBN edited out a portion of the “700 Club” after Robertson suggested that Muslim men beat their wives.
  • Robertson claimed to leg press more than 2,000 pounds at age 72 in February of 2003. “I did it one time, one rep, but I had built up to it for about three years,” he told the Associated Press.