
Stop signs no deterrent for drivers at dangerous Hampton intersection

HAMPTON, Va. (WAVY) — Despite two new stop signs at a dangerous residential intersection in Hampton, some drivers are still not obeying the law to stop and are blowing through it.

The new signs came after homeowner Charlene Thompson sent video from a crash at the intersection of Shell Road and Greenbriar Avenue to the WAVY newsroom two weeks ago.

Even with multiple signs that warn of a “new traffic pattern ahead,” some drivers are still either not stopping, rolling through the stop sign or stopping past the stop sign. Directly underneath at least one of the stop signs, which has a pair of flags on top of it, there’s attachments that say “all way,” and “new regulation.”

“I thank you and I definitely thank Regina Mobley … [for] reaching out to me once she received the footage of the different accidents,” Thompson said, crediting WAVY-TV 10 with playing a major part in getting the new stop signs.

The story hit the brakes as Thompson, along with 10 On Your Side’s Mobley and videographer Rob Rizzo, witnessed someone driving through the intersection without stopping. That was after a recording just moments earlier of another vehicle that also did not stop.

“Unbelievable,” Thompson said. “Unbelievable.”

Not long after that, a bicyclist, who also did not stop at the stop sign, rode through the intersection just before another vehicle failed to stop there.

A resident from a neighboring community said she understands the frustration.

“Chesapeake Avenue has all these calming devices,” the woman said. “Maybe we should get calming devices on Shell Road.”

The Thompsons’ car was heavily damaged following one of the eight crashes that have happened at that intersection in the past three years.

Families say it’s not a matter of if, but when, another crash will take place there. Thompson said drivers still act like the stop signs aren’t there and said she doesn’t feel safe sitting on her porch or having her grandchildren play outside.

“If they’re going to run the stop signs, there’s a potential of there being a car accident, and it could be fatal,” Thompson said.

At the July 10 Hampton City Council meeting, the city’s Public Works Department plans to ask it to approve an additional $200 fine for speeding in the corridor of Shell Road between Old Aberdeen and Powhatan Parkway,” 10 On Your Side has learned. If council approves it, the fine would go into effect immediately.

In a statement, the city of Hampton said that it added the signs after what it said was a “comprehensive” traffic study of the Shell Road/Greenbriar Avenue intersection.

“After conducting a comprehensive traffic study of the intersection, our Public Works department added a four-way stop at the intersection of Shell and Greenbriar, with advance warning signs and two more three-way stops leading into the intersection. Hampton Police has increased enforcement there as well. At the July 10 City Council meeting, Public Works will ask the council to approve an additional $200 fine for speeding in the corridor of Shell Road between Old Aberdeen and Powhatan Parkway. If the council approves that request, the additional fine would go into effect immediately. The safety of our residents is our top priority, and Public Works and Hampton Police will continue to monitor traffic at this intersection to determine if additional measures need to be taken.”

City of Hampton statement