NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — Tiffany Hirko and Jesse Chamberlain wondered if this day would ever arrive, as their son Bentley, 3, finally enrolled in pre-K daycare Tuesday.
Bentley has type 1 diabetes. When Hirko started searching a year ago for a program for him, she was shut down dozens of times.
“I’m excited for him. He’s excited. I’m happy he gets to go and experience this with other kids,” Hirko said.
“It’s been hectic,” Chamberlain said. “She called like 50 schools.”
After WAVY’s story on their plight, viewer Katy Rock wanted to take action and she had two very relevant characteristics: she’s the Director of Admissions at Christ the King School, and she, too, has type 1 diabetes.
“I saw the spot on the news, and as a diabetic myself, I know that that struggle is very present,” Rock said.
Rock reached out to Hirko in a tone she wasn’t accustomed to.
“Her email was really welcoming,” Hirko said.
Two weeks later, Bentley was ready for his first day at Christ the King.
His grandmother was impressed with the response to our initial report.
“So many people reached out, it was overwhelming,” Debbie Vogler said. “Just when you think you’re alone, and there’s so many people out there that have similar issues.”
“Without y’all I’d still be looking. I wouldn’t have got this,” Hirko said.
Rock said Christ the King has a registered nurse on staff along with “five of us [who] have [medical administration training] and we also have a specialty training for diabetic students.”
After hugs, kisses and a quick goodbye with mom, dad and grandma, Bentley disappeared down a school hallway, hand-in-hand with Rock.
The past 12 months have been a learning experience for Hirko, and now she’s passing on her advice to other parents in similar situations.
“Don’t stop calling,” she said. “Keep doing it. Don’t take no as an answer. Advocate for your child.”