NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — As we all crank up our air conditioning during this heat wave, Dominion Energy in Virginia reports record-setting peak demand.

Until this month, the peak demand for electricity happened on July 28, 2023, with area usage registering 21,992 megawatts. So far this month, Dominion reports the grid in our service area exceeded that range on July, 5, 9, 10, and 15 — registering more than 22,200 megawatts or more on each of those days.

What none of us wants to see is a record-setting electricity bill.

“One of the most common calls we get around this severe heat is ‘How can I save money on my electricity bill,'” said Dominion Energy Senior Communications Specialist Cherise Newsome.

The first thing Dominion recommends is to adjust your thermostat to 78 degrees.

“If you can tolerate just a few more degrees difference in your home and you can stay safe and comfortable, then that can lead to big savings on your energy bill,” Newsome said.

Next, close the blinds and turn on ceiling fans. Then, consider your power-sucking appliances. That includes the washing machine, dryer, dishwasher and oven, for example. Using them at the same time your air conditioner is working overtime will strain your system. Instead, consider doing the laundry and dishes in the evening or early morning when it’s cooler.

“Also, if you don’t have energy efficient appliances, even if they’re set at reasonable degrees, they’re still working in overtime, in overdrive, which can lead up your bill,” Newsome said.

If you can, replace older appliances with energy efficient ones. Check out the discounts and rebates Dominion offers online and take a virtual energy audit.”

“You can go online, answer a few questions about your home, and we can send you some products and supplies at no charge that can make sure that your precious AC is not seeping out those window cracks or door cracks,” Newsome said.

Sealing those cracks keeps the cold air in your house and the cold cash in your account on these hot summer days.

Click here for more energy-saving tips.