RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — Testing of the James River from several points across Richmond shows significantly high levels of E. coli.

According to James River Watch, testing conducted on Thursday, July 11, showed 817 colony forming units (CFU) per 100 ml of water at West 42nd Street, 1,204 CFU per 100 ml at Belle Isle and 1,987 CFU per 100 ml at Mayo Island.

According to Michael Gillert, the Water Quality Program Manager for the James River Association, the bacteria levels at Rocketts Landing were measured at 2,420 CFU per 100 ml Thursda — which is the maximum reading given the method used, meaning that the bacteria levels there were actually at least 2,420 CFU per 100 ml.

According to Gillert, 2,420 CFU per 100 ml is more than 10 times what the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers safe.

According to Tom Dunlap of the James River Association, the high levels of bacteria in the water can be attributed to the recent heavy rainfall, which caused Richmond’s combined sewer system to overflow, sending raw sewage wastewater into the river.

Dunlap also said that some amount of E. coli can always be expected in the James “due to natural occurrences from warm-blooded wildlife in the watershed.”

More information about E. coli and the danger it poses to people can be found on the Virginia Department of Health’s website.