RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — The City of Richmond announced it will enter phase 2 of the state’s reopening plan, Forward Virginia, this Friday, June 12.

“Given the data landscape, the governor’s requirement that all Virginians wear face coverings and my trust in the Richmond community to look out for each other, I’m comfortable with our city entering Phase Two of Forward Virginia,” Mayor Levar Stoney said in the announcement.

“However, we cannot forget that beating this disease for good will require avid community testing, contact tracing and stable isolation for COVID-19 positive patients,” he continued. “This is the biggest team project we’ve ever undertaken as a city, and it will continue to require compassion and cooperation from every one of us.”

Richmond didn’t enter phase 2 along with most of the state last week because it also delayed entering phase 1.

Here are some of the changes that will go into effect under phase 2:

  • Restaurants can have indoor seating at 50 percent capacity
  • Gyms can have indoor classes and workouts at 30 percent capacity
  • Pools can open with restrictions
  • Entertainment venues like museums and zoos can open with restrictions
  • Recreational sports will be allowed but there can be no shared equipment
  • Gatherings will be limited to 50 people rather than 10

However, even though the city is entering a new phase, officials recommend citizens continue to wear face masks, stand six feet apart from people in public, avoid social gatherings and continue to frequently sanitize their hands.

“Our success in this phase will depend on everyone becoming familiar with the guidelines for how we can live, work, and play safely at this point, and sharing what they learn with their family, friends, and coworkers,” said Dr. Danny Avula, Director of Richmond City and Henrico County Health Districts, in the statement.

You can get more details about guidelines and requirements for reopening under [phase 2 on the governor’s website.