
All VB students switching to virtual learning due to virus metrics, winter sports postponed

VIRGINIA BEACH (WAVY) — Virginia Beach City Public Schools will have all students on virtual learning, including students with disabilities, due to increases in coronavirus metrics in the city. The change goes into effect Tuesday, Dec. 8.

Most of the district’s students had already switched back in November before Thanksgiving break.

The district sent out a message to parents on Monday, saying the Eastern Region of Virginia’s metrics of 477.7 cases per day and 10.1% positive rate for coronavirus tests put the district in the “red/red” for CDC school reopening guidelines.

10 On Your Side’s Tamara Scott spoke with the superintendent Dr. Aaron Spence on Monday.

“We’re looking for a trend. So, we already have seven day rolling averages, and then we’re looking to see if that rolling average carries out for seven days. And if we see that trend, downward, after seven days, then we’ll push the gas again on athletics and then hopefully on bringing students back school as well,” Spence said.

Virginia Beach is one of several districts in the region in the red for both metrics. Others include Chesapeake, Hampton and Accomack.

That combination of red metrics not only triggered the continuation of online learning for most students in the district, but also certain students who had remaining in school building such as those with disabilities.

“It’s very alarming, the rapid growth and the spread and transmission of COVID in our community right now. And we just need to make sure that we’re doing our part to keep our students safe and our staff safe,” said Spence.

The district is reporting 38 total cases in the month of December, but there’s no indication that the cases were contracted in schools. Spence has said that he doesn’t believe schools have been the source of infections.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has advised for schools to stay open if possible, but said there isn’t a “one size fits all” approach.

Many studies have shown school reopening had little effect on outbreaks, particularly in Europe, but experts say it’s hard to compare the U.S. and Europe. Europe’s overall virus levels have been below what we’re seeing in the U.S.

School officials say all varsity winter sports will be postponed until further notice starting Monday and Safe Learning Centers will be closed as of Tuesday until further notice.

School building and administrative offices will be available by appointment only starting Tuesday, but food service will continue free of charge for all students.

Spence held a question and answer session with media members on Monday afternoon. You can watch the full Q&A session below.