A former sailor who shot and killed his friend in Virginia Beach will soon learn his punishment.

Alec Wagner pleaded guilty Tuesday in Virginia Beach Circuit Court for his role in the death of 18-year-old Aleigha Hawkingberry.

“By doing what he did today it confirms his true grief,” said Wagner’s attorney John Hooker. “It’s been difficult from the standpoint of the impact that it’s having on him, but the impact that it’s having on the family. This is really a double tragedy.”

Wagner shot and killed Hawkingberry on October 4, 2016.

Police say Wagner was over at Hawkingberry’s house on Mondrain Loop.

Hawkingberry was standing outside, beside Wagner’s car.

Wagner, a sailor at the time, was putting his gun in his glove box. In the process, the gun hit the steering wheel, his finger slipped onto the trigger, and there was a bang.

Hawkingberry was shot in the chest. She died from her injuries.

Wagner told police it was his fault.

“He’s maintained that from the minute on the scene,” Hooker added. ” He was one of the 911 callers, and he actually attempted himself to apply pressure to the gunshot wound at the scene.”

Wagner had a permit to carry and specialized gun training in the Navy. He told police the accident should have been avoided. For that reason he decided to go ahead and plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

“His biggest concern is for the family,” Hooker said. “He is putting them first, as he should be, and that was shown today by his actions this morning.”

Wagner is now out of the Navy. He continues to go to grief counseling and now waits to see what a judge feels is the right punishment. He faces a maximum of 10 years in prison. He will be sentenced July 31.

“I would like to see both families, Alec, walk away from this, and the family walk away from this both very happy and very satisfied,” Hooker added.