As we put the month of February behind us, March 1st has come in like a little lion, bringing a cold front that will rid the warmth that spoiled us this past weekend. March tends to be a month that does so, a month that brings interesting mood swings of weather, swings we’re far too familiar with here in Hampton Roads. A solid trait of the spring season, which March 1st marks. Meteorological Spring, that is.

Different from the usual calendar and astronomical seasons, the meteorological seasons organized the yearly calendar by temperature. The three hottest months (June, July & August) are summer, the three coldest months (December, January & February) are winter, then the months in between mark spring and autumn.
And that’s just what they are, the months in between. As long as winter is cold, and summer is hot, anything goes. It’s often why severe weather season falls in spring, or why we’ll go from nearly 70° Monday morning to the 30s Tuesday morning. As the Earth’s tilt shifts more towards the sun (for the northern hemisphere) the jet stream must change it’s position to accommodate. So as a result, the weather is often times a little wacky.
Now in this situation, sure, we have a weird switch up into Tuesday due to the cold front today. But some longer range outlooks are hinting at a dry, and potentially quiet month of March. Finally, maybe some time to dry out after this past February ranked as the 4th wettest February on record.
In like a lion, out like a lamb. This ol’ weather wise tale potentially may ring true, but that doesn’t mean the rest of the spring season will act the same.
Here’s to hoping the sunshine returns from it’s long winter vacation.
Stay stoked! – Meteorologist Steve Fundaro