
Destination Vacation: Natural Bridge, Virginia – ‘It’s something you have to see in person’

NATURAL BRIDGE, Va. (WFXR) — If you’re looking for a place to explore, what better than a natural wonder of the world? Located at the junction of U.S. Route 11 and State Route 130, you’ll find a magnificent limestone, nature-sculpted, 215-foot tall arch – located in Natural Bridge, Virginia within Rockbridge County, both of which are named for the feature.

Natural Bridge State Park Manager, Jim Jones says people have claimed it to be the seventh natural wonder of the world.

This National Historic Landmark was carved by the Cedar Creek over thousands of years. It is the remains of the roof of a cave or tunnel through which the Cedar Creek once flowed. The bridge was sacred to the Monacan tribe and revered by the American Colonists. The landmark was later included in a tract of land purchased in 1774 by Thomas Jefferson. George Washington surveyed the land; his initials can still be seen carved in the arch.

“The heart of the park is actually the rock bridge that we’re under right now, so that’s why people are coming from all over the state. We’ve had people from every state in the union here; countries all over the globe, and we even get diplomatic plates that are in the parking lot.”

Jim Jones, Park Manager, Natural Bridge State Park

There’s a word commonly heard when first-time visitors approach the Natural Bridge and that’s, “Wow!” Blue Ridge Mountains, creeks, cascading falls, and lush scenery all surround the bridge. Visitors can also have their choice of several scenic hiking trails.

“It’s very magical. You have to come and see it. I can’t describe it to you in words. It’s something you have to see in person.”

Jim Jones, Park Manager, Natural Bridge State Park

Jones says that The Natural Bridge is an opportunity for people and families from all walks of life to come and experience the outdoors in a way they never have before.

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