Yesterday’s forecast went about as expected. We had the clouds, drizzle, scattered showers and breeziness continue from the last few days. It was cool with highs in the upper 60s to near 70. We will have gradual improvement in the weather this weekend, but it will take some time. I am liking the cooler temps, but it’s time for the drizzle to go.

Today we started with clouds and drizzle during the morning commute.

Clouds And Drizzle This Morning

The clouds will hang around almost all day, but I’m hoping that a little sun peaks out towards the end of the day. We still have that area of low pressure offshore, but it is moving north.

Regional Weather Map

In fact they are expecting flooding rainfall up around New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut today as the low moves closer to that region. Locally we’ll just have some drizzle and scattered light rain showers. High temps will be in the upper 60s to low 70s.

Forecast Temps Today

The breeze will be up out of the north/northeast at 10-15mph. This will allow for some more tidal flooding in the region, but it will be lower than the past couple of days.

Tide Forecast

Last night it was over 5ft at Sewell’s Point, but it will be less than 5ft for the next couple of days.

Tomorrow the low will be a little more to the north. So we should have some sunshine mixing in with the clouds at times. There will be a few spotty showers and drizzle. I’m thinking that will be mainly during the first half of the day. High temps will be in the low 70s. Finally, by Sunday the low will fall apart. High pressure will build in from the west. So we’ll be partly sunny with high temps in the mid 70s. It should be pretty nice. The humidity will finally drop by then.

Muggy Meter

We should see nice weather continue into early next week.

There are now 2 tropical storms in the Atlantic. We’ve been tracking tropical storm Philippe for a while, but tropical storm Rina just formed yesterday.

Tracks Of 2 Tropical Storms

The track of Philippe has changed again. Now it is forecast to move to the north. It could interact with tropical storm Rina for a bit. Tropical storms work against each other when they get close to each other. So they should remain weak. One or both could fall apart over the next few days, but we’ll see. Either way they should stay far east of the U.S. coast.

Meteorologist: Jeremy Wheeler