
Blog: Early/Late showers today. A mostly dry weekend.

Regional Weather Map

This morning we had some scattered showers in the region. For a brief time there was even some heavy rain over parts of the Outer Banks.

Scattered Showers This Morning

We also had some fog. So there were several issues and slow-downs during the morning commute. The rain this morning came from a weak area of low pressure that was moving along the coast.

Regional Weather Map

The low will move out to sea during the mid-late morning. So we’ll have some clearing from the late morning into the mid-afternoon. We’ll be in-between systems as the cold front will still be to our west. We’ll warm up this afternoon into the mid 70s. Later in the afternoon into the evening scattered showers will move back in from the west.

Future Trak (Late Afternoon)

The rain will affect some of our western areas by the mid-late afternoon, but it will move into the metro more into during the early evening. This will impact the evening commute. It will also impact the Friday night football games.

Friday Night Football Forecast

Scattered rain showers will continue tonight into early tomorrow morning.

Future Trak (Saturday Morning)

The showers could continue until 5-6am tomorrow. However, they should wrap up by 8-9am. The rest of Saturday looks pretty good. We’ll have lots of sunshine. High temps will be in the upper 60s. However, the wind will be strong out of the west/northwest. It will run at 10-15mph with gusts to 25mph. That will make it feel even cooler. We’ll be dry, cool, and breezy on Sunday as well. High temps will be in the mid 60s. We’ll be even cooler on Monday with lows in the 40s and high temps in the low 60s. However, we’ll likely warm up towards the middle and end of next.

Meanwhile, tropical storm Tammy is staying pretty strong. It is east of the Lesser Antilles island chain, and it is moving to the west/northwest.

Tammy On Satellite

Tammy will move towards the north end of the Lesser Antilles today. Unfortunately, it is forecast to become a hurricane sooner. So it may have hurricane strength as it runs over that area. This will impact Barbuda, Antigua, and Guadeloupe.

Track Of Tammy

After hitting that region, the storm will move to the north and then northeast. This should keep it away from Bermuda and the U.S.

Track Of Tammy

We’ll have updates on it over the weekend.

In world news… There is a pretty bad storm that has been affecting parts of Europe. Scotland has been hit particularly hard with flooding. Here is the article with more information: European storm.

Meteorologist: Jeremy Wheeler