The widespread, heavy snow cover that covers our area will allow temperatures to plummet overnight.

With that in mind, here are a couple of things you might have forgotten since our last heavy snowfall in 2018:

We had some sunshine today and temperatures just above freezing. All of that did get us started on melting that snow on the roads. But it comes with some problems overnight as those roads are extremely likely to re-freeze.

Our homes, building codes, etc. just aren’t built to deal with a sustained temperature below 20 degrees. And most of the region will see temperatures bottom out below 20. That means that you should drip the faucets to prevent pipes from bursting.

That snowpack is especially heavy across northeast North Carolina. So while it seems counterintuitive, some of the coldest temperatures are likely to be south of the state line.

The south side got significant snow, too. Especially over Virginia Beach. While a light northerly breeze might hold temperatures to around 20 near the shores, temperatures should fall easily into the teens and maybe even single digits elsewhere.

For the Peninsula and points northward, snow cover isn’t as heavy, but drip the faucets and take care on the roads, too. It’ll certainly be cold enough.

Tomorrow, we’ll see more sunshine…and temperatures in the low 40s. So we’ll see a lot more slush and snow gone from the streets by the end of the day.

Be safe!
