I’m not sick. I’m still bald…and as it turns out, kinda’ old. When the governor stated that people over 65 (I’m 66) should not go to their workplace, that was the final straw; the odds and the consequences became just too great. We’ve been very careful in the Weather Center for quite some time now, wiping down surfaces with bleach at the beginning and end of each shift. That caution continues in the workplace now with Jeremy, Casey and Jeff.

I have been working all day to get things set up from home to be more active on WAVY.com and social media. I’ve also been working on getting a remote connection into the Weather Center where I will still be able to bring you the weather.

So I’m fine and will see you soon, but from a different location. Bye for now!

Oh… social distancing! Do it so we can all be together again. That’s the only known way to beat this thing.

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