Hello, weather intern Brendan here! Another two week recap filled with an assortment of activities is in store today.

Day 9 of my internship had me thrown into the loops of HRS during the morning hours. The show is a lot more hectic behind the scenes. Watching the staff run back and forth to mic up guests and listening in to the producer, guests and hosts all at once was a craze, but it was cool to watch it all unfold in a controlled manner.

HRS is setting up for the beginning of the show.

Later on in the day, I worked with Meteorologist Steve Fundaro to create another weather show and a few graphics for Chief Meteorologist Jeff Edmondson. Producing a logical weather story can sometimes be difficult, especially the transitions between big weather ideas, but there is never just one correct way to change the graphic order to make a sensible story.

Steve and I smile through the heat that was beating down on us earlier in the week.

Day 10. Meteorologist Ricky Matthews asked me if I wanted to go on a drone shoot with him. Being an opportunity to get out of the studio, I immediately said yes! We went out to the waterfront in Norfolk and got some video of a small boat for a boat show. I did get to see a couple of the larger battleships in the port as well, which was cool to see.

Ricky controls the landing of the drone onto the brick sidewalk.

After the drone shoot, I was able to get a quick tour of Chopper 10 with Scott Abbott before heading back into the studio. I figured it was a good time to get some more practice on making graphics and weather stories, so I made a weather hit for Jeff to use at 5.

Here I am sitting in the one and only Chopper 10.

The next week would have me running across multiple parts of the day…

Day 11. This is the first day I was with Meteorologist Jeremy Wheeler. After the newscast at 8:30 a.m., we spent a good chunk of time discussing different forecasting tactics and delivery techniques for an effective weathercast.

Day 12. Lots and lots of filming today, but the weather team and I mixed it up quite a bit. I had a few weather hits on the green screen to warm up, but then I moved onto the big weather wall for the first time. Not only did I do long weather hits there, Steve challenged me to do a quick weather hit in just around a minute. It’s much harder than it looks to wrap up your thoughts when you see/hear the time cue from the producer. I also made it out to Patio 10 to work on some AR scenes with Ricky!

Ricky and I do a little hands-on experiment with a towel on Patio 10.

Overall, the past two weeks were crazier than the beginning quarter of the internship, but I’m very grateful for all the experiences I’ve been able to get. Thanks for joining me on this adventure! Now here is your local forecast discussion.

Forecast Discussion

Rain will continue to move through the Peninsula and Middle Peninsula as the day goes on. Showers and storms may fire back up towards the Southside and parts of northeast North Carolina during the evening.

Future Trak shows the possibility of numerous showers and storms Friday evening.

Humidity levels will continue to stay elevated through much of the weekend, but rain chances will significantly diminish by Sunday with the front finally moving offshore.

Humidity stays near tropical levels through the next five days.

By Monday, however, we will see temperatures rebound significantly back into the mid 90s. Heat indices will likely reach over 100.

If headed into the water today or through the weekend, be wary of rip currents and big surf. S/SE winds today and tomorrow will make for rougher conditions.

Rip current risk is high on Friday with onshore winds and high surf.