PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) – I have always dreamed of working in the news industry. Whether it be writing for a publication or reporting for television, I love learning people’s stories and getting their stories told.

First day on the HRS set!

When I got the call that I was up for The Hampton Roads Show internship with WAVY, I was elated. I had always heard that they were the best because they don’t just sit you at a desk or make you run for coffee; they actually teach you how a news station works. I have learned and done so much just in my first week with them.

On day one, I officially met the other HRS intern, Kiannah McClure, as well as the hosts of the show, Chelsey Khan and Chris Reckling. Kiannah and I were a little overwhelmed at first, trying to figure out what to do and how the show ran, but everyone has been so welcoming and they have really made it a point to walk us through how each step in the process goes.

A behind the scenes look at filming The Hampton Roads Show
I met the legend, Andy Fox!

After the show is done filming, I’ve been able to go to the HRS office with Chelsey and Chris and learn how to create the posts for the website that go up each day. There have even been several that I have cut the clips for and done the write-up myself. Some other things I have learned include how the graphics get put into each segment and a little bit of how to floor-direct during the actual taping of the show.

I love seeing the new things that happen on the show every day and trying the food created by the guests has been a win. I am one that takes a picture of all the different foods I try and WAVY has given me an outlet to add more to my food photo gallery. Above all else though, I still have a lot to learn and I know I’m in the right place to figure out exactly where I want to be in the industry and to give me the experience needed to make it. I am so excited for the remainder of my time here and I can’t wait to share more about my journey.

If you’d like to see a more up-close look at my life at my new home away from home, check me out on Twitter!