
Intern Blog: My letter to WAVY-TV 10

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — My time at WAVY-TV 10 is an experience I will never forget. It has opened my eyes to the possibility of a career in reporting, digital, photojournalism and more.

Before this internship, and even the broadcast writing class I took in the spring 2022 semester, I was so against anything broadcast. Growing up with a father in the news/television industry, I had a certain perspective on it and thought it could never be my path. Little did I know taking that broadcast class would open the door to a wonderful opportunity.

I truly did not think I would be taking away so much out of this internship. I am walking away with a brighter perspective on the future and an excitement to build on this newfound passion. Going into this internship, I thought I would only be learning about digital and honing in on my skills since that is what I applied for. It started out as that but slowly I started to notice myself interested in the breaking news moments and wanting to be out in the field.

Once I got the chance, I went out with a photojournalist who told me to start interviewing people and I did! My first time out, I hadn’t even shadowed a reporter, and I got stirred up in all the chaos and did it. I’d say I did it pretty successfully too.

I got to interview the Mayor of Norfolk as my very first interview with WAVY and other prominent people within Norfolk. Later in the internship, I was able to be within two feet of the Governor of Virginia while the reporter I was with interviewed him and I also got to talk with Virginia Beach City Council members.

I got to of course learn much more about web/digital and how much goes into it. I think one of the most exciting things about my time in digital is that I really strengthened my skills in AP Style, headlines, and writing overall. I saw my writing pace quicken over time and I now feel incredibly prepared, even excited, for my digital classes this fall.

I cannot say enough good things about the people that helped and mentored me at WAVY. I was truly welcomed with open arms from various anchors, reporters, photographers, producers, etc. The kindness I received from Jane, my supervisor, and the rest of the digital team means the world.

Getting to work at the same station my dad worked at for over 15 years as a meteorologist is such an honor and knowing my dad is so proud makes this experience even better. Not only did I work alongside people my dad worked with but I also got to create my own relationships with them. I genuinely am so upset to leave WAVY as I’ve met people that have really shaped my future and have become family to me.

I fully intend to come back to WAVY after I graduate and continue to serve my community of Hampton Roads that I have known all my life. One thing that I will never forget, and may be cliché, is when a producer told me as we were chatting about my future in broadcast is, “It hits home more when there is an accident on I-264 or a robbery at the Oceanfront because you feel more inclined and passionate to really tell that story when this is home.”

And that’s exactly what I’ll do.