
Intern Blog: My First Month is Done!

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) – What an amazing last few weeks it has been! I am officially through my first month interning with the Hampton Roads Show and it has been one of the best experiences of my life.

Myself (right), with fellow HRS intern, Kiannah McClure (left), and News intern, Destini Harris (left)

Working on the Hampton Roads Show, I’ve been able to learn how a television studio works, and not only that, how a news station works. I have continued to floor direct and create online posts for the show, but I have also experienced and learned some new things, not only on the Hampton Roads Show, but through other departments I’ve shadowed and worked in.

Chelsey interviewing couple, Patsy and Dickie Brooks

The other week, I was able to go with Chelsey Khan to an interview for her weekly I am Hampton Roads” segment. There, she allowed me to watch what she was doing and even ask a question of my own to the couple we were interviewing. They were so nice and we talked with them for quite awhile even when the cameras weren’t rolling.

I’ve also, over the last few weeks, ventured into the news department, mainly during Midday. During that show, I have been able to shadow the camera operator, teleprompter operator, and the director. I was even able to run teleprompter on my own for awhile, which was awesome.

Shadowing Director, Mark Smith on the midday show of WAVY-10 and Fox 43

The director’s job, I found, was the most overwhelming. I will definitely be back because there is so much going on and so much he has to keep track of to make sure everything runs in the show when it’s supposed to.

In the coming weeks, I’m so excited to branch into the other departments, continuing with news and hopefully getting on the ground with a few field reporters, as well as getting involved in the sales and promotions area of the station. These are departments very few people probably hear about, but they are so vital to keeping everything going, and I want to learn how they run.

That pretty much wraps up how my month has gone, but I can’t wait to continue sharing as I go along.

If you’d like to follow more of my journey here at WAVY, check me out on Twitter.