Over the weekend we had some snow, and then we had some very cold temperatures. Low temps bottomed out in the teens Sunday morning. It was frigid! Then we only made it into the 30s during the afternoon. In fact…It’s been cold for a while. It has felt wintry for about 3 weeks now. Look at the temps over the last 2 weeks:

High temps only made it to the low 30s for a few days including last weekend. Luckily we’ll get a reprieve from the cold this week. Today we’ll warm up a little (at least compared to the weekend). High temps will rise to the mid 40s this afternoon.

Forecast Temps Today

We’ll have a mix of sun and clouds with a light northeast wind. There’s no big weather systems in the region. There is a weak area of high pressure to our northwest and a weak stationary front to our south.

Regional Weather Map

We’ll be partly cloudy tomorrow. The wind will pick up slightly out of the northeast as the offshore low strengthens. It will quickly move away from us though. So we shouldn’t have any precipitation here. However, the stronger breeze will keep temps in the mid 40s Then we’ll warm to the 50s by Wednesday.

Forecast Temps Wednesday

It should be a very nice day. We’ll keep going up from there. We’ll hit the 60s Thursday and Friday, but clouds will increase and there will be a chance for rain showers. The higher chance is on Friday. That won’t hurt my feelings as I need to get the salt off my car from the recent winter weather treatments.

Meteorologist: Jeremy wheeler