
Blog: Reeeeaallly heating up!

When I say “We are reeeeaally heating up!” (imagine Jim Carrey voicing it), I mean it. When you look back at the last couple of weeks, you will see a lot of cool air.

High Temps Last 2 Weeks

Yesterday was just as nice as forecast. High temps were in the 70s in the metro with a few 80s inland. It was cooler near the shore, and it was dry all over.

High Temps Yesterday

If you remember yesterday, I mentioned that a cool front was stalling out to our south, and that it would be an awesome day. Now that front has transformed into a warm front, and it is moving north.

Regional Weather Map

It caused a few showers overnight, but we have some clearing this morning as the front lifts north of the region. We’ll be partly cloudy for most of the day. There may be some isolated showers or storms this afternoon as we heat up. How much will temps rise? Well, if the models are right, then we are aiming for the upper 80s with a few 90s inland.

High Temps Today

Along with heating temps, we’ll also have rising humidity. Dew points started in the 50s this morning. However, a west/southwest wind will pull in some more humid air. Dew points will rise into the mid-to-upper 60s this afternoon. Luckily there will be a nice breeze out of the southwest. It will run at 10-15mph with gusts up to 25mph. That will really help.

Tomorrow there will be a cool front just to our north, but it will stall out before it gets here. So we will stay on the hot side of the front. High temps will run up into the low-mid 90s. There will be less wind, and the humidity will climb. Dew points will be in the upper 60s to near 70. Therefore, the heat index could be in the mid-upper 90s.

Heat Index Forecast

This will be pretty rough. It will feel like mid-Summer. We haven’t had that type of heat yet this year. Also, it will be extra tough as our bodies have been used to a cooler and drier weather pattern lately. It takes time for the human body to acclimatize to a new environment. We’ll have a little time to get used to the heat as we will still be in the 90s on Saturday and Sunday.

Forecast Temps Saturday

We’ll be partly cloudy. There may be a stray shower or storm on either day. Be sure to stay hydrated, and take plenty of breaks in the shade if you are doing outdoor activities.

We will cool down early next week. Highs will be in the 70s Monday and Tuesday. There will be some scattered rain showers.

Meteorologist: Jeremy Wheeler