It is rare to see Lindsey Vonn without her “partner in crime,” Lucy.

Lucy, a King Charles Spaniel, has posed for a photo with NBC Sports host Mike Tirico, traveled to multiple continents and even served as Vonn’s training partner

“I’m kind of the crazy dog lady,” Vonn admitted to NBC.

Vonn proudly runs an Instagram account for her three dogs: Lucy, Leo and Bear Vonn. The dogs have more than 25,000 followers.

Leo was the first dog that Vonn rescued in 2014, just weeks before the Sochi Games.

Vonn, whose right knee prevented her from racing in Sochi, is bum knee buddies” with Leo, who has six pins in his knee after getting hit by a car.

“He has a bad knee, and my knee is bad,” Vonn said. “So obviously I fell in love with him.”

When Leo got lonely, Vonn rescued Bear.

“He needed a friend of course,” Vonn said. “As a good mother I had to oblige.”

Then when Vonn got lonely on the road, she adopted Lucy to be her travel companion.

Vonn found Lucy at a breeder in Bologna, Italy in 2016 after discovering that it was “next to impossible” to adopt a dog in Europe. Vonn jokes that Lucy loves espresso and wine because of her Italian roots.

“I asked her if she wanted to go home with me, and she sat there and she tilted her head,” Vonn said. “It was love at first sight.”