VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Will Sessoms will step down as mayor of Virginia Beach Monday, after spending nearly a decade on the job.

The news of Sessoms stepping down broke earlier in the month. During his announcement, Sessoms said he was resigning to pursue opportunities in the private sector.

Sessoms told 10 On Your Side Monday, “I’m really looking forward to spending time with my grand children and my children on the beach for a few weeks and then decide what is next. I’m very blessed. I have some opportunities out there and I will take my time to make sure I make the right decision.”

Beginning Tuesday, Vice Mayor Louis Jones will become interim mayor. Meanwhile, former Councilman Linwood Branch — currently a member of the city’s development authority — says he plans to run for Virginia Beach’s top office. 

“It’s been an honor. I’ve loved every minute of it the time has come for me to step down,” Sessoms said. 

A special election for the mayoral seat is set for November.