PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — Virginia reported 424 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, bringing the commonwealth’s total to 6,171 overall.

Besides an outlier in only 197 new cases reported Sunday, Tuesday’s increase reported by VDH is the lowest in the past five days. It comes a day after models from the University of Virginia showed social distancing guidelines appear to be working to flatten the curve.

Here’s the breakdown of cases in the Tidewater area:

Chesapeake: 136
Accomack: 15
Northampton: 4
Hampton: 73
Norfolk: 97
James City County: 128
Newport News: 93
Poquoson: 6
Williamsburg: 20
York: 35
Portsmouth: 59
Gloucester: 20
Mathews: 3
Virginia Beach: 252
Franklin: 7
Isle of Wight: 60
Southampton: 6
Suffolk: 57

Only 42,763 of Virginia’s roughly 8.6 million residents have been tested so far, up from 41,401 on Monday. About 3 million of roughly 330 million in the United States have been tested so far, with 582,634 coming back positive, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

Of the total 582,634 cases in the United States and its territories on Tuesday morning, 23,649 had died and 44,308 had fully recovered, per Johns Hopkins.

The number of new COVID-19 deaths reported each day appears to be decreasing, with 5 new deaths reported between Monday and Tuesday. That’s the lowest daily increase in more than a week.

Tuesday: (April 7) 455 new cases to 3,333 overall/ 9 new deaths to 63 overall

Wednesday: 312 new cases to 3,645/ 12 deaths to 75 overall

Thursday: 397 new cases to 4,042 overall/ 34 new deaths to 109 overall

Friday: 467 new cases to 4,509 overall/ 12 new deaths to 121 overall

Saturday: 568 new cases to 5,077 overall/ 9 new deaths to 130 overall

Sunday: 197 new cases to 5,274 overall/ 11 new deaths to 141 overall

Monday: 473 new cases to 5,747 cases overall/ 8 new deaths to 149 deaths overall

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However data from the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association shows confirmed current COVID-19 hospitalizations continue to increase, with new 48 patients compared to Monday. A bright spot: the number of those in ICU and on ventilators decreased, and 721 patients have been discharged after being hospitalized with confirmed COVID-19.

Also, the VHHA is reporting 7 Virginia hospitals are reporting difficulty in replenishing their personal protective equipment in the next 3 days, and 2 hospitals are having difficulty in replenishing other medical supplies.

VDH also started providing many new data graphs on Monday, including hospitalizations by health districts, deaths and hospitalizations per age range, the number of tests by health district and a breakdown of where the state’s outbreaks are occurring.

To view the latest data sets from VDH, click here.

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